Language: Arabic

Climate: A Mediterranean climate characterized by long, hot, dry summers and short, cool, rainy winters. January is the coldest month, with temperatures from 5°–10°C, and August is the hottest month at 18°–38°C. About 70 percent of the average rainfall in the country falls between November and March; June through August are often rainless.

Time Zone: EST — Eastern European Time

International phone code: 961

Currency: Lebanese pound (LBP)

Capital: Beirut

Transportation: Entry will be refused to citizens of Israel and travellers with any evidence of visiting Israel: not just Israeli entry stamps, but Egyptian / Jordanian neighbouring land borders with Israel, any products with Hebrew labelling, etc.

Beirut International Airport is located 5km south of the city centre with air service from most major European and Middle Eastern cities. Lebanon is a small country and it is possible to drive from north to south in less than three hours. The main means of transport are service taxis, bus and car.

Gay Lebanon:

The gay tourism dollar is gaining ground in Lebanon's capital city of Beirut, which has been compared favourably to Tel Aviv. Indeed, Lebanon is one of the few Middle Eastern countries where gay clubs even exist, though right now they exist exclusively in the capital.

Despite its growing reputation as gay-friendly, the majority of the population (roughly 80 percent) is neither understanding nor accepting of homosexuality. The struggle of the existing, yet largely invisible, gay community is probably best illustrated by the name of its Beirut advocacy group Helem — Arabic for "dream."