June 11-13, 2021. Our LGBT community is strong and the dance culture keeps us united. It won’t be long until we dance together again. The October 2020 postponement date was cancelled. See FB and the website below for updates on tickets and host hotel info:
November 20, 2021, annual Bali Hai Pier events, Pattaya. On the full moon of the 12th month (traditional Thai lunar calendar) people float small candle-lit rafts (Krathong) on rivers, canals, lakes or sea, honoring the Goddess of Water. Fireworks/ beauty contests/ festivities.
April 13-15, 2022. The traditional Songkran in most of Thailand, Wan Lai in Pattaya has a slightly later finale on the 19th. Sprinkling water on Buddha + giving and getting dousings from buckets or water guns aimed at anyone within range. On the big day 3 miles of beach and adjacent roads close to traffic to make way for thousands of celebrating people at play.