Queer nights at Soho Saarbrücken, Germany, not far from Luxembourg. Gay/mixed dance parties. Theme nights, DJs play hot house and Techno to Hip-Hop and Old School music. Entry 4€. See their facebook for details on upcoming events.
Second Friday/ month, 8pm at Chocolate House Nathalie Bonn, 20, rue Marché aux Herbes. At the Uucht (regulars’ table) meet other women/ make new acquaintances. Meetings at a private location; meet safely without risk of being publicly outed. By Centre d'Information GAy + LEsbien/ Rosa Lëtzebuerg.
Every 2-3 months LGBT/straight-friendly dance party night. Resident DJs, male go-go dancers + the greatest drag queens from around the Grand Region. See their facebook page for updates.
Every few months at various venues, with international DJs and performers dedicated to bears + fetish. A unique party concept in Luxembourg for people looking for a men-only gay/ bear/ fetish party. Be yourself with like-minded people and express your fetishes. Woof!
June 23, 2021, the Grand Duke of Luxembourg reviews the guards on his official birthday, with pomp and ritual of the centuries; fireworks too.
June 26-27, 2021, from 3pm at Neimënster, riverside, Grund, Luxembourg City. The annual Summer MUSIC / CULTURE / FOOD FESTIVAL. Get ready for the festival with the official Siren's Call Spotify Playlist, plus the movie, and 2019 artist lineup.
July 3-11, 2021. LUXEMBOURG PRIDE - a week full of events for the luxembourgish LGBTI-Community and their friends! To include: Movie Night; Diva Storytelling; Drag Bingo...
Late July, 2021, 4pm-3am in Grund, Clausen and Pfaffenthal district venues, annual music street festival. Almost two hundred artists play more than forty live-concerts on as many as eleven open-air stages playing dixieland, mainstream, fusion jazz, boogie woogie and Chicago blues around the three disticts, in pubs & onstage.
September 10-12, 2021. Annual 3-day wine festival of Grevenmacher, Luxembourg weekend of wine & grapes, music, parade, folklore, dancing, and fireworks - lots of free samples. See Fête du Raisin et du Vin for details.
October 15-17, 2021 (TBC). Past years have included FRIDAY meet and greet social with Bear Dukes, then Mr. Bear Election Night. SATURDAY WOOF! See Bear Dukes.
November 20 - December 24, 2021 (TBC) at place d'Armes, place de la Constitution and place de Paris. Christmas trees, decorations, huts selling food, drinks and other seasonal items; parades, holiday concerts. Event was cancelled in 2020.